About WCC
WCC is a member institution of the Virginia Community College System.
WCC is the college of first choice of students in the 2,000-square-mile WCC service region.
WCC serves the citizens of Bland, Carroll, Grayson, Smyth (Marion and eastward), and Wythe counties, and the City of Galax.
WCC employs 98 full-time faculty and staff, and over 114 part-time faculty and staff.
WCC enrolls approximately 2,833 students annually in credit courses.
Student residency (2022-2023 Academic Year):
Bland County 5%
Carroll County 23%
City of Galax 12%
Grayson County 10%
Smyth County 10%
Wythe County 25%
Other Localities 15 %
WCC’s student-to-faculty ratio is 23:1.
Student gender at WCC is 62% female, and 38% male.
In Spring 2023, WCC conferred 559 degrees, diplomas, and certificates to our graduating students.
The top three four-year institutions our students transfer to are Radford University, Old Dominion University, and University of Virginia.
Student Snapshot
40% of WCC students are full-time, and 60% are part-time.
84% of all WCC students receive financial aid.
96% of first-time, full-time students receive some type of financial aid.
Graduate Success
87% of WCC’s recent graduates are employed or continuing their educations.*
87% of recent WCC graduates work within 100 miles of the college, forming the core of the workforce for area businesses and industries.* They are among the most skilled and valued workers in the region.
100% of recent WCC graduates say they would recommend the college to prospective students.*
*of those who responded to a 2023 post-graduation student survey
These statistics are accurate as of April 10, 2024.